Longest Domestic Goat Horns

Uncle Sam; Rothsville, Pennsylvania, USA; April 16, 2004.

The world's longest goat horns measured a tip-to-tip spread of 132 cm (52 in) on April 16, 2004 and belong to 'Uncle Sam' the goat, who is owned by William A and Vivian A Wentling (both USA) of Rothsville, Pennsylvania, USA.

Source: Guinness World Records 2007

Highest Jump by a Pig

Kotetsu; Mokumoku Tedsukuri Farm, Mie, Japan; August 22, 2004.

The world record for the highest jump by a pig is 70 cm (27.5 in) and was achieved by Kotetsu, a pot-bellied pig on 22 August 2004 at the Mokumoku Tedsukuri Farm, Mie, Japan.

Source: Guinness World Records 2007

Largest Millipede

African giant black millipede; Coppell, Texas, USA; August 1, 2003.

The largest millipede in the world is a full grown African giant black millipede (Archispirostreptus gigas) which is owned by Jim Klinger of Coppell, Texas, USA and measures 38.7 cm (15.2 in) in length, 6.7 cm (2.6 in) in circumference and has 256 legs.

Source: Guinness World Records 2007

Fastest Eater (Mammals)

Star-nosed mole; Tennessee, USA; February 2005.

The fastest eater amongst mammals is the star-nosed mole (Condylura cristata). Research published in February 2005 by Dr Kenneth Catania (USA) at Vanderbilt University, Tennessee, USA, recorded an average ‘handling time’ of 230 milliseconds with the fastest time being 120 milliseconds.

Source: Guinness World Records 2007