John Evans; London Studios, UK; May 24, 1999.
It’s death defying, it’s daunting and it’s downright dangerous. But England's John Evans balanced a 159.6 kg (352 lb) Mini on his head for 33 seconds at The London Studios, UK on May 24, 1999.
Dangling cars from his head is all in a day’s work for professional ‘Head Balancer’ Evans. He’s balanced people, books and beers, but the car’s by far the most deadly trick – a strong wind and it could be the end of the road for John.
John’s a gigantic guy. He’s 2 meters tall and weighs in at 155.7 kg (343 lb). But it’s his 60.9cm (24-inch) neck that’s the only part of his body strong enough to take such immense weights. So the slightest slip, trip or nudge could send him tumbling to a crushing death, as his arms wouldn’t be able to cope with the load!
This big fella has broken 25 records in 11 categories and is going for more.
Source: Guinness World Records 2007